Natural History

Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum - Darwin Centre cocoon building

The Natural History Museum seems more popular than I ever remember it. We visited at about 3pm on Sunday and there was a queue from the door right down the ramp to the gates on Cromwell Road. Fortunately the queue was fast moving (no ticket desk after all) so it only took about 10 minutes to get to the entrance.

Just like the Science Museum next door, the Natural History Museum has been updating its layout. Old favourites like the blue whale are still gathering dust but they’ve added a massive concrete cocoon exhibit which features bugs on pins and real live scientists that you can verbally poke as you tour.

What I remember most about the museum from visting as a child, apart from the dinosaur in the main entrance, and the whale, is all the buttons that you could push. These exhibits still exist but of course seem tame by today’s standards. This new exhibit has a host of up to date interactive features, plus if you have ‘lively’ children with you, you’ll be glad of the unclutted outside space they can run around in afterwards.

Inside the Darwin Centre